League of Legends Mod Hilesi 12.05.2016
Merhaba arkadaslar League of Legends oyununa ait bir hile aradısanız asagıdaki vermiş oldugumuz
modu indirip hemen kullanabilirsiniz.
1. addBotsToAram (Working) – Risky
2. anyBotDifficulties (Working)
3. appearOffline (Working) – Risky
4. aramMod (Working) – Risky
5. autoAcceptQueue (Working)
6. better logs (Unknown)
7. easyQueueDodge (Working)
8. joinChat (Unknown)
9. joinMultipleQueues (Unknown)
10. keepMyPage (Working)
11. keepMyUpdate 0.4 (Unknown)
12. letMeReportU (Unknown)
13. Modded Customs 0.1 – (Working) – Risky
14. Modded Customs 0.2 – (Working) – Risky
15. More Invite Mod (Working)
16. newMatchHistory (Unknown)
17. pickWhileLocked (Working) – Risky
18. secretsKeptOurAramsWasted (Working)
19. seeTeamColor (Working)
20. stopCloseGame (Working)
21. storeRefresh (Working)
2. anyBotDifficulties (Working)
3. appearOffline (Working) – Risky
4. aramMod (Working) – Risky
5. autoAcceptQueue (Working)
6. better logs (Unknown)
7. easyQueueDodge (Working)
8. joinChat (Unknown)
9. joinMultipleQueues (Unknown)
10. keepMyPage (Working)
11. keepMyUpdate 0.4 (Unknown)
12. letMeReportU (Unknown)
13. Modded Customs 0.1 – (Working) – Risky
14. Modded Customs 0.2 – (Working) – Risky
15. More Invite Mod (Working)
16. newMatchHistory (Unknown)
17. pickWhileLocked (Working) – Risky
18. secretsKeptOurAramsWasted (Working)
19. seeTeamColor (Working)
20. stopCloseGame (Working)
21. storeRefresh (Working)
League of Legends Mod Hilesi 12.05.2016
Reviewed by Blog
Mayıs 11, 2016

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